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Riverbend Waterfront Enjoyment Club Rules

We would like to set forth, for all members, the rules for your participation as a member of the Riverbend Waterfront Enjoyment Club. These Rules apply on the dock, arriving at the dock and on the water. These Rules have been developed with the safety of all members in mind. As a member of the Club, you have the responsibility to obey these Rules and to do your utmost to ensure your guests comply as well. Failure to comply with these Rules could result in the suspension of boating privileges as set out in the Penalties and Infractions Policy. If you are in doubt please ask a volunteer, another club member or a member of the board for clarification. Please ensure that you respect the safety of yourself and others by adhering to all Club Rules and safety guidelines.

1.    Prior to using a boat, or using any club facilities and equipment you must have completed an Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form as well as the Membership Application Form and have made the required payment to the Club. This applies to all Riverbend Owners.  Guests of the owner or renters may use the facility provided Membership is in good standing.   If the individual is under 18, a parent or guardian must sign waiver on their behalf.
2.    All Club boats, canoes, kayaks, water boards etc. must be returned in a good and clean condition. Boats must be properly secured or replaced into a similar rack as they were taken from.
3.    Members and their guests should respect their surroundings and have respect to others regarding noise and safety.
4.    Boaters, having made a reservation, may take out a vessel anytime after sunrise. Vessels must be returned 20 minutes prior to sunset.
5.    A member must have completed the on line reservation process prior to launching.
6.    Damage to any equipment must be reported by recording it in the log book located in the Library inside the club house, and advise one of the volunteers or a board member.  Members are responsible for all equipment assigned to them. If you damage a boat, you are responsible for the cost of necessary repairs.
7.    Parts must not be removed from any boats. Members found removing or borrowing parts from boats will be suspended. A boat in need of repairs, repairs must be made or recorded before it can be removed from the dock, or it must be replaced back on racks. Should you feel repairs are needed, please inform a volunteer or a board member.
8.    Members may only use assigned boats, at the assigned times. Members wishing to use other boats or at other times must check the web site to see if the boat is available.
9.    Boats cannot be launched unless you have enough help to launch it safely.
11.    Life jackets are located in the dock box. There must be one life jacket for each occupant. Children and non swimmers are required to wear life jackets at all times while in any boat.    
12.    “ How to Boat Smart” a free publication, provided by florida Fish and Wildlife includes a section on “Paddlesports- Canoes, Kayaks, and Rafts”, this article is available to anyone who requests it and is also available on line at myFWC.com.  Please take the time to read this very informative article on safety.
13.    Place dry life jackets back into the dock box.  Should your jacket be wet, please place on the provided drying rack.
14.    Be extremely careful, if a power boat passes you. TURN INTO THE WAKE.
15.    Each boat has a sealed safety box which includes:  a flashlight, a rope, a whistle and a tow rope. This box should not be opened unless these items are necessary for your safety.
16.    No running on the dock. Life rings should only be used in an emergency.
17.    Look at the map located on the dock if you are unsure where you are going.  Laminated maps of the area are available in the dock box.  Please return them when you return your equipment.
18.    Children under 12 are only allowed on the dock when accompanied by an adult.
19.    Boats landing have priority over boats going out.
20.    Everyone is required to follow the applicable rules set out by the US Coast Guard.
21.    ENTRANCE: please enter the dock area between the Clubhouse and the Golf cart barn.
22.    PARKING: when making a reservation for your water vessel the website will post a notice should the club have a scheduled event. Parking may be a concern. Please walk and or use bikes whenever possible.
23.    Please respect the Florida sun, we recommend proper attire, hats sunscreen and inspect repellant. Take water with you.
24.    Appropriate attire shall be worn at all times on Riverbend Condominium Association Property, including but not limited to footwear and cover ups or shirts. 
25.    Have FUN!
26.    Employees of Riverbend Condominium Association Inc. are not allowed on the dock at any time.
27.    Motorized watercraft are prohibited.
28.    All construction of dock if not performed by RWEC volunteers will be done by licensed and insured contractors.
29.    Any individually owned watercraft must be removed from racks and stored elsewhere when the member is not in residence.
